Without U it's just Erope!

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Let's go back in time... ⏰

It’s 23rd September 2022, the team of GO Alive gets ready and organises its first Kozani Youth Fest.  2022 was known to be the “European Year of Youth” so the team decided to give the first topic of the festival “Are you informed?”, which had the goal of informing young people (Youth) what opportunities they have in the region of Kozani (jobs, NGO’s, volunteering…). But the team knew that this was only the beginning of something that would last for a long time…

20th October 2023, the second Kozani Youth Fest is starting as the team are really excited for this years’ festival. They made their promise from last year that they won’t stop and they will continue their journey with the Youth Festival. This year stronger and with a bigger team, they decided to give this years topic “Get Skilled Up!”, because 2023 was the European Year of Skills! After 3 days of workshops, info kiosks, party and youth forum, they successfully closed the festival for the year, but with one more promise: They will come back stronger and bigger next year! 

“Lions in the day, lions in the night!”

And here we are... KOZANI YOUTH FEST 2024

Remember the date! 23/24/25 of May 2024. This year we even got bigger, 20 volunteers from Greece together with 20 volunteers from abroad are working on this years’ festival. Since the European Elections are getting closer, the team decided for the topic of this years’ festival to be “Without U it’s just Erope.” with different workshops, info kiosks and speeches that are somehow connected to the European Elections that will be held in June 2024. So, enough writing let’s dive right into it. Let’s see the teams, the 3 day program, our “supporters” and much more…

Let's meet the people behind the festival

Check out the schedule!

3 days full of workshops, forums, party and motivational speeches

Thursday - 23 May

📍Kozani's Main Square

10:00 History of Vote- GO Alive

10:45 Addictions & Active Citizens - KETHEA

11:30 Fake news - Meropi Vachcevanou, Thenia Vassiliadou (News Reporters)

12:30 Forming a job search plang - GSEE Labour Institute

17:00 Feeling European: Scanvenger hunt - GO Alive

17:45 Internship in European Organisations - GO Alive

19:30 Hackathon - GO Alive

Friday - 24 May

📍Kozani's Main Square

10:00 - 12:00 Recycled MonuMakers - GO Alive

10:00 - 12:00 Art Detectives - GO Alive

10:00 - 12:00 EU Palette - GO Alive

10:00 - 12:00 Taste Explorers: Guess the Country - GO Alive

12:00 - 14:00 Recycled MonuMakers - GO Alive

12:00 - 14:00 Art Detectives - GO Alive

12:00 - 14:00 EU Palette - GO Alive

12:00 - 14:00 Taste Explorers: Guess the Country - GO Alive

17:00 - 19:30 Regional Youth Council - GO Alive & IASIS

20:00 - Youth Party

Saturday - 25 May

📍Kozani's Main Square

10:00 - 18:00 Info Kiosks

10:00 - 11:00 AS if I can feel the city - ARSIS

11:30 - 12:30 Keep your Leader close, and your Teammates closer - ESN

12:30 - 13:30 Human Rights - Equality Commission

13:30 - 14:00 Green skills & job prospects | The CV of the future - IEK Voltairos

15:00 - 16:00 First aid - Rescue Team

16:00 - 17:00 Hackathon - GO Alive

17:00 - 18:00 Closing Ceremony & Prize Draws

Under the Aegis of:

Community Support:


Without U it's just Erope!

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